Sunday, June 01, 2008

Hello Kitty

Many things are changing here at casa de crazy. One thing will remain the same. I will never get a break. Here is an example:
Yesterday, I decided to pull the trigger and buy a new grill. The grill that we have hasn't worked since Nam...and I wanted me a burger. So...I looked and looked...and found one at Wmart for a cool hunge. (100, hundo...)anyway...They came assembled or unassembled. There was no change in price. I? Still drive a Saturn. There was no way I was going to fit a fully assembled grill into the back seat of said Saturn. No sir.
So, I opted for unassembled. I struggled to get the grill down from the shelf...I gave up when it became clear that I was going to become trapped underneath that grill if I were to continue attempting to get this grill down, without help.
Fast forward 20 minutes and I am zooming down the road with an unassembled grill in my back seat.
My parents were coming down today to help me buy this grill. I went all independent on them and bought it myself. I did the research. I know BTUs. So, my dad was going to help me put it together. BBBZZZTTTTT. Wrong again. I was going to do this myself. I didn't get much sleep last night, but I was determined to start that grill. The directions said it should take approx. 45 minutes. BBBBBZZZZZTTTT. Hey! It took me 45 minutes to figure out which pieces were the legs. I was clad entirely in my jammies. Hello Kitty jams to be exact. On my front porch. Recently single. Hello. Perhaps I should have showered and applied a full face of make up...but that is hind sight. I got that damn grill together...2 hours and much swearing later. It isn't together exactly correct, and between you and I? I totally disposed of the extra parts, so my dad wouldn't know. But...the best part is the text that I just got.
J: You got the grill together!
Me: did you know?
J: I drove past you this morning.
Me: In. My. Jammies?
J: Yep. That's why I didn't stop.
Me: Uhm. OMG. I am so embarrassed.

Allow me just to say that J is a hot local guy...and while I have no intention of beginning to date any time soon, if I were...J would SOOO be on the top of the list. However, I think that my hello kitty jammies just took him out of the running. I suppose I will rethink doing things on the porch in the morning.


Unknown said...

LMAOOOOOOOOOO now watch, you'll need at least one of those "extra pieces" sometime this week. Kudos for you though, for going all independant. LOLOL

Unknown said...

Shit.......was in my mom's account. It's Liss. FFS
I miss you, btw.