Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Something to believe in

I am fresh from therapy. And I know that I have an unusual crush on her...not so much a crush as much as a adoration, but still.
I have been sad lately. Just sad. Not angry. Not mad. Just sad. Sad because I have said in my head, that I won't do anything at all until after the holiday. I won't argue. I won't think about it. I will just go about my day and night...not worrying not doing anything. Well. Recently, I have realized that once Christmas passes, I am going to have to face things. Maybe, I guess.

I also realized that I am sad because I have nothing to look forward to. Nothing. Friends have fallen by the way...partially/mostly my fault. Football is over. I don't have anything going on. Nothing. So. I need to get something going on. I have time. I need to find something to focus on and do. I am looking at taking a class to learn to knit. I mentioned it to a friend and found that she would also be interested in this. I also called the gym. I can join back up any time. John was so nice. No restart fee, just start paying the monthly fee, like I never left. I am hoping that this will do it for me. Help me keep my mind off of whatever is going on.


Melissa said...

You know where I am when and if....

Kawana Aminata Oliver said...

Make fun happen ;-)

~Tori said...

when i'm healthy... and have some money... and some time off... ahhh fuck it... we'll never get together, but maybe we should both get xbox live and play video games together!